the "i shoulda done this years ago" update

hey hey. 

roulettemin pro still somehow gets players. it's crazy!! thanks in no small part to buckshot roulette's popularity (i got analytics to back it up) but also just by virtue of it being playable in browser. every day it gets a few views, maybe a couple plays, consistently, so i figured i'd clear up some stuff that has been bugging me for YEARS. so here's the uhh, "i shoulda done this years ago" update. it only took me a few hours and was a good way to recover from a pretty ratty head cold i've had the past couple weeks (i haven't felt well all year!! but still, i persist.)

so, here's the COOL NEW STUFF:

the biggest thing is: CUSTOM FACES. there's a bunch of randomized ones, you can enter your own, or leave it blank to have each min have a different face. yeah babey!!! this was going to be a launch feature but got cut because i had like, one week to make the game. i'm better at making games now so it took me like an hour.

the other big thing is just... CLARITY!!

i now tell you which bullet is next, because it's weird and opaque. i tried to model the gun in the game as close to real life as possible - so when you pull the trigger, the cylinder spins first, then fires, meaning when the bullet is one to the right of the top, when you pull the trigger it will kill you. but i hadn't communicated that clearly, and people tend to assume if it's in the top it will kill you, when really that's the safest place it can be. NOW YOU KNOW!!! and maybe you learned something. but also maybe, not all guns work like that. so maybe you didn't learn anything and i'm just lying to you. wait, i just looked it up. i'm not lying to you!!

i tightened all the lerps as well. i'm not gonna tell you what that means, you just gotta take my word that i tightened the lerps. the lerps have been tightened. the game is better as a result.

you can TOGGLE THE MUSIC NOW!!! you no longer have to listen to my first ever song what i made in FL studio. rejoice!!

confetti!! when you win, there's now confetti.

also i squished a bug where if you mash the fire button during a transition it would shoot again.

SO WHERE AM I AT?? well, i'm definitely done with roulettemin. i have made my peace. i'm still working on SWORDMIN'Z DREAM, although way slower than i'd like because i KEEP GETTING SICK in WEIRD WAYS!! i haven't felt well this whole year. never like, worryingly bad, but it really is a drag. plinking around in unity helps, but working on swordmin'z dream has become a bit of a slog, so i do other things like gorby and roulettemin to scratch that itch, and work on swordmin'z dream when i feel good enough to. i'm glad i've been able to mess around with roulettemin, because some of these things have bugged me since i released it many years ago. i didn't expect it to still get players, either, but i'm very happy it does. 

anyway, thanks for reading. have a good one champ

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Sweet, you brought it back : D Dunno why you deleted it int he first place, this thing was fun